Work with Lucy

Testimonials and Success Stories

Kind words from around the globe. 

B.P. - New Hampshire

“My preconception call with Lucy was the best decision I have made for so many reasons! Lucy helped me take a deep breath, stay calm, and find clarity in this process. I was holding on to so much fear around pregnancy, my own medical history, my age, and the many unanswered questions I had not only about getting pregnant but the aftermath. Lucy made me feel heard and had so much knowledge to offer that immediately put my mind at ease. Lucy took stock of not only my medical history but of me as a person and the life I live to better offer guidance in this next chapter. The supplements she recommended have been incredible and the questions she armed me with for the follow-up appointment with my OB were ones I would have never known to inquire about. The difference in my mindset before and after my call with Lucy was night and day. I feel so lucky to have been connected with this magical person! “ 

Hopie - Los Angeles


"I wish I could give the life-changing gift of Lucy to all of my pregnant friends. Lucy was an invaluable guide during my pregnancy and in postpartum. I love my OBGYN, but having a second expert - an experienced midwife I could reach out to with all manner of detailed questions - provided me with incredible practical & emotional support. I can’t tell you how many times when I was stressing over something major (or minor) to my husband/mom/sister/doula, they’d say “ask Lucy.” 

She got us through breech (thanks to her guidance the baby flipped!), navigating c section, and throughout the hazy postpartum land of a million questions from recurrent mastitis to baby’s exposure to various illnesses. But perhaps most importantly she sent me the most encouraging, loving, practical advice in those magical but overwhelming first few weeks as a new mom. Having Lucy on your team makes everything feel much smoother." 

Gaby - Milan, Italy 

“My virtual care session with Lucy was so nourishing, supportive and affirming! We focused on post weaning self-care and future family planning- both complex topics that often go unsupported. It was so helpful to talk it through with someone of her expertise as a midwife and mother. Lucy is an angel from Heaven come down to earth. She is so real, and as a mama herself has been through it all. You truly feel that she gets it. She cared for me with love, respect and most importantly without judgement. Lucy is a tremendous listener, which I feel is the most important quality we need in our healers and birth/medical practitioners - sadly a rare commodity today! I could not recommend working with Lucy more highly on your journey to, or through,  motherhood. You won’t regret it!” 

A.C. - Burlington, VT

"I first met Lucy at my 37 week prenatal visit for my third baby. She also lovingly included my 3yo in measuring my belly and letting my 5yo check the fetal heart rate. I will never forget how she happily scooped my 3yo onto her hip to reach my belly, recognizing that there was more than one patient in the room. When I arrived to the hospital at 7cm, I was thrilled to learn Lucy was on service. Despite not having much time (about 30 minutes to be exact!), she somehow rallied the cleaning and nursing staff to prep a room with a tub just in time. It was incredibly meaningful to have our third and last baby enter the world in the water, a first for me. Lucy seemed to intuitively know that the transition to motherhood is sacred, and therefore that my last experience with childbirth warranted pulling out all the stops.  Lucy’s calm confidence and genuine enthusiasm for the birth process was contagious, and allowed me to feel fully present and lucid. She makes you feel like you are in the presence of a wise and seasoned provider who is ready for anything and daunted by nothing.” 

S.T. - New Hampshire


"My session with Lucy at three weeks postpartum was deeply supportive— it was exactly the care I needed as a very new parent. Lucy listened to my birth story, offered warm, thoughtful, actionable advice around feeding, maternal nutrition, postpartum healing, and more. With this offering, she's meeting the need for holistic postpartum support between appointments and beyond what is typically possible during standard clinical conversations. I'm so grateful for my time with her and excited to be able to share this with other expecting and postpartum people in my life!” 


L.M.C.C. - New York, NY

My OBGYN ranks among the best in New York, yet my personal experience has been defined by woking with Lucy to provide essential, incremental knowledge, support, care, and presence throughout my birth preparation and process, for me and for my partner. At difficult junctures, from an emotional, mental, and physical standpoint, Lucy’s advice, comfort and insight have been critical, soothing and confidence building. She is a true baby, mother and parent whisperer, who I recommend all humans contact as they go through this exciting, challenging, and beautiful time."

V.C. - Burlington, VT

My pregnancy was one the hardest times of my life. I was scared, overwhelmed, and holding up a lot in my family structure. Lucy made me feel like myself in the best of ways. Every time I left a visit with her, I felt more capable and powerful in myself. When I shared the feelings I was wrestling with she normalized them and that really helped diminish the shame I felt around my ongoing struggle. She didn't cling to the negative nor did she bypass it. It her own way she made space for it all. I felt like I mattered and that I was being seen in my full complexity. As I was in the process of becoming a mother Lucy was a sheperdess, gently guiding me toward myself where past, present and future me could be held together in a gentle, loving, powerful way.  

Now that I am momma to a beautiful daughter I realize even more the humbling, primordial strength that Lucy was tapping into and helping guide me towards. She is a gem of a human and I am forever grateful to Lucy!” 

Jenna - Austin, TX

"Lucy has been and continues to be an absolute gift, resource and ally throughout my journey towards and into motherhood — throughout my time trying to conceive, navigating and healing from 2 early miscarriages, through my most recent pregnancy that brought my son earth-side at just over 34 weeks, and even now into my tender postpartum days.  Lucy has a vast and holistic wealth of medical and practical knowledge that comes along with her many years of devoted experience and intellectual curiosity…and I love how she leverages and balances a range of western and eastern wisdom.  She is deeply empathetic, patient, encouraging, thoughtful and committed to the wellness of her clients….she truly tends to the WHOLE mother….physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  Working with her is nothing short of pure medicine, magic and nourishment.  Every mama that gets to work with Lucy is a lucky one!"

Text Exchange with Client

This message was sent after a one hour  coaching session that was centering around weaning. We discussed emotional, physical, and logistical ways to support the process.